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How to Create and Scan Spotify Codes

How to Create and Scan Spotify Codes in 2023

Spotify Codes are QR-like images that can be used to quickly open songs, albums, playlists, and other content in the Spotify app. To create a Spotify Code, you can use the Spotify desktop app, web player, or mobile app.

Create a Spotify Code using the desktop app (Windows and Mac)

1. Open the Spotify desktop app or web player and open the song you would like to share from your library.
2. Click on the horizontal three dots menu next to the song listing and choose **Share** → **Copy Song Link**.
3. Having copied the song's link, head to the [Spotify Codes website](, paste the link in the textbox, and click “Get Spotify Code”.
4. The website will now generate the scannable Spotify code for the song you requested.

Create a Spotify Code using the mobile app (Android and iOS)

1. Open the Spotify mobile app and open the song you would like to share from your library.
2. Tap on the vertical three dots menu next to the song and choose **Share**.
3. Scroll down and tap on **Spotify Code**.
4. The Spotify app will now display the scannable Spotify code for the song you requested.

Scan a Spotify Code

To scan a Spotify Code, open the Spotify app on your device and tap on the **Search** tab. In the top right corner of the screen, tap on the **Camera** icon. Position your device's camera so that the Spotify Code is in the frame and tap on the **Scan** button. Once the Spotify Code has been scanned, the Spotify app will open the associated content.


Spotify Codes are a convenient way to share and access Spotify content. You can create and scan Spotify Codes using the Spotify desktop app, web player, or mobile app.

Fun Fact!

There are 23 vertical lines in a Spotify code.

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